Thursday, January 2, 2020

Week of January 1-4, 2020

Monday, December 30

Tuesday, December 31

Wednesday, January 1

Thursday, January 2
Sculpture: Freestanding Sculpture - Paint Environmental Design plates with acrylic paint
Fundamentals of Art: Unit 2: Artists as Designers, PowerPoint lecture
Beginning Photography: Unit 7 Aesthetics; week's lesson/PowerPoint lecture
Portfolio Prep: Drawing - Art with Text. Descriptive Drawings using pen & ink. Students will complete a pen and ink drawing using words to determine values. By choosing an image to work form with high emotional content & then using and thesaurus to select words that describe the images content, or using lyrics from a song, or poem. Words should be placed together tighter, made bolder to achieve darker values, farther apart to achieve lighter values.
Beginning Drawing: Unit 3 Charcoal & Pastel; Lightly draw composition onto charcoal paper, Use the white and black charcoal pencils to render the drawing with value showing surface quality, highlights, shadows, and to create depth.

Friday, January 3
Sculpture: Paint Environmental Design plates with acrylic paint
Fundamentals of Art: Unit 2: Artists as Designers, PowerPoint lecture, Sketchbook Assignment
Beginning Photography: Unit 7 Aesthetics; work on weeks lesson
Portfolio Prep: Drawing - Art with Text. Descriptive Drawings using pen & ink. Students will complete a pen and ink drawing using words to determine values. By choosing an image to work form with high emotional content & then using and thesaurus to select words that describe the images content, or using lyrics from a song, or poem. Words should be placed together tighter, made bolder to achieve darker values, farther apart to achieve lighter values.
Beginning Drawing: Unit 3 Charcoal & Pastel; Lightly draw composition onto charcoal paper, Use the white and black charcoal pencils to render the drawing with value showing surface quality, highlights, shadows, and to create depth.