Monday, December 16, 2019

Week of December 16 - 20, 2019

Monday 16th
Sculpture: Freestanding Sculpture - Environmental Designs, continue to build chosen design as coil structure & add additional structure by scoring & slipping
Fundamentals of Art: Unit 1: Artists as Storytellers; Trace & cut out Wycinanki Design, continue with adding colored paper, complete study guide - quiz on Thursday
Beginning Photography: Unit 6 Portraits; Digital Skill - makeovers
Portfolio Prep: Introduction to new unit: Drawing - Art with Text. Descriptive Drawings using pen & ink. Students will complete a pen and ink drawing using words to determine values. By choosing an image to work form with high emotional content & then using and thesaurus to select words that describe the images content, or using lyrics from a song, or poem. Words should be placed together tighter, made bolder to achieve darker values, farther apart to achieve lighter values.
Beginning Drawing: Unit 3 Charcoal & Pastel; Balance Sketchbook Assignment

Tuesday 17th
Sculpture: Freestanding Sculpture - Environmental Designs, continue to build chosen design as coil structure & add additional structure by scoring & slipping
Fundamentals of Art: Unit 1: Artists as Storytellers; Trace & cut out Wycinanki Design, continue with adding colored paper, complete study guide - quiz on Thursday
Beginning Photography: Unit 6 Portraits; Digital Skill - makeovers
Portfolio Prep: Introduction to new unit: Drawing - Art with Text. Descriptive Drawings using pen & ink. Students will complete a pen and ink drawing using words to determine values. By choosing an image to work form with high emotional content & then using and thesaurus to select words that describe the images content, or using lyrics from a song, or poem. Words should be placed together tighter, made bolder to achieve darker values, farther apart to achieve lighter values. Sketchbooks due
Beginning Drawing: Unit 3 Charcoal & Pastel; Set up charcoal assignment, photograph image

Wednesday 18th
Sculpture: Freestanding Sculpture - Environmental Designs, continue to build chosen design as coil structure & add additional structure by scoring & slipping
Fundamentals of Art: Unit 1: Artists as Storytellers; complete study guide, review study guide with class - quiz on Thursday
Beginning Photography: Unit 7 Aesthetics; Video 'My Kid Could Paint That' &handout
Portfolio Prep: Drawing - Art with Text. Descriptive Drawings using pen & ink. Students will complete a pen and ink drawing using words to determine values. By choosing an image to work form with high emotional content & then using and thesaurus to select words that describe the images content, or using lyrics from a song, or poem. Words should be placed together tighter, made bolder to achieve darker values, farther apart to achieve lighter values.
Beginning Drawing: Unit 3 Charcoal & Pastel; Lightly draw composition onto charcoal paper, Use the white and black charcoal pencils to render the drawing with value showing surface quality, highlights, shadows, and to create depth.

Thursday 19th
Sculpture: Freestanding Sculpture - Environmental Designs, continue to build chosen design as coil structure & add additional structure by scoring & slipping
Fundamentals of Art: Unit 1: quiz TODAY!!
Beginning Photography: Unit 7 Aesthetics; Video 'My Kid Could Paint That' & handout
Portfolio Prep: Drawing - Art with Text. Descriptive Drawings using pen & ink. Students will complete a pen and ink drawing using words to determine values. By choosing an image to work form with high emotional content & then using and thesaurus to select words that describe the images content, or using lyrics from a song, or poem. Words should be placed together tighter, made bolder to achieve darker values, farther apart to achieve lighter values.
Beginning Drawing: Unit 3 Charcoal & Pastel; Lightly draw composition onto charcoal paper, Use the white and black charcoal pencils to render the drawing with value showing surface quality, highlights, shadows, and to create depth.