Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week of May 25-29, 2015

Monday May 25, 2015

Tuesday, May 26
Beginning Drawing:Still Life - touch up areas
Advanced Drawing:Landscape Pastel Drawing
Portfolio Prep:Japanese Garden Vessels
Foundations of Art:Clay Quiz, paint clay vessels
Introduction to Art:Chuck Close inspired portraits
Sculpture:Continue to splay bottles & shape with heat gun. Bundle groups of 4 bottles together to place onto metal rod.
Beginning Photography:NO CLASS

Wednesday, May 27
Beginning Drawing:NO CLASS
Advanced Drawing:NO CLASS
Portfolio Prep:NO CLASS
Foundations of Art:Paint clay vessels, complete Op Art assignment
Introduction to Art:FINAL EXAM
Sculpture:Continue to splay bottles & shape with heat gun. Bundle groups of 4 bottles together to place onto metal rod.
Beginning Photography:FINAL EXAM

Thursday, May 28
Beginning Drawing:MAKE UP EXAMS
Advanced Drawing:MAKE UP EXAMS
Portfolio Prep:MAKE UP EXAMS
Foundations of Art:NO CLASS
Introduction to Art:MAKE UP EXAMS
Sculpture:Continue to splay bottles & shape with heat gun. Bundle groups of 4 bottles together to place onto metal rod.
Beginning Photography:MAKE UP EXAMS