Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Week of January 26-30, 2015

Monday, January 26

Tuesday, January 27
Beginning Drawing: Balance - Radial, Symmetrical & Asymmetrical. Sketchbook assignment.
Portfolio Prep:By using Maps as a guide, create finders to look for a composition of lines in the maps. When you have found a composition then use Tracing Paper to make a composition of the roads for lines, and areas of cities to be shapes. Enlarge to 3x4 on copier then grid & enlarge to 18x24. Transfer to canvas board.
Foundations of Art:Mandala drawings. Create Mandala design using shapes, objects of personal nature and line to create a visually pleasing design.
Introduction to Art:Grid drawing sketchbook assignment.
Sculpture:Introduce Alto Relief Plaster Sculpture. Students will research relief sculpture using laptop computers & create thumbnail sketches from various viewpoints.
Beginning Photography:Snapshot vs. Fine Art discussion. Name Assignment.

Wednesday, January 28
Beginning Drawing: Balance - Radial, Symmetrical & Asymmetrical. Sketchbook assignment.
Portfolio Prep:Build up roads on canvas by gluing rolled up paper towels down, build up on land by cutting & adhering layers of cardboard or mat board to the surface.
Foundations of Art:Mandala drawings. Create Mandala design using shapes, objects of personal nature and line to create a visually pleasing design.
Introduction to Art:Grid drawing assignment.
Sculpture:Alto Relief Plaster Sculpture.
Beginning Photography:NY Times slideshow choice. Using the venn diagram, compare & contrast similarities and differences between the photographers style of pictures. Name Assignment.

Thursday, January 29
Beginning Drawing: Balance - Radial, Symmetrical & Asymmetrical. Sketchbook assignment.
Portfolio Prep:Build up roads on canvas by gluing rolled up paper towels down, build up on land by cutting & adhering layers of cardboard or mat board to the surface.
Foundations of Art:Mandala drawings. Create Mandala design using shapes, objects of personal nature and line to create a visually pleasing design.
Introduction to Art:Grid drawing assignment.
Sculpture:Alto Relief Plaster Sculpture.
Beginning Photography:Photoshop Basics (handouts, lecture). Begin editing images in photoshop for Name Assignment.

Friday, January 30