Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Week of October 6-10, 2014

Monday, October 6
Beginning Drawing:Students are to continue work on their still life.
Portfolio Prep:Students are gluing newsprint to the 'missing/broken' areas of their composition.
Foundations of Art:Value worksheets & activity.
Introduction to Art:Cubism Activity - PowerPoint.
Sculpture:Palissy relief - clay construction.
Photography:Mounting name collage.

Tuesday, October 7
Beginning Drawing:Students are to continue work on their still life - begin shading w graphite pencils.
Portfolio Prep:Students are gluing newsprint to the 'missing/broken' areas of their composition & frame composition.
Foundations of Art:Value worksheets & activity.
Introduction to Art:Cubism Activity - Group Activity.
Sculpture:Palissy relif - clay construction.
Photography:PowerPoint - Landscape Photography. Murray Fredricks - Lake Erye discussion.

Wednesday, October 8
Beginning Drawing:Students are to continue work on their still life - shading w graphite pencils.
Portfolio Prep:Student display in lobby. Begin sketchbook fabric exercises.
Foundations of Art:Review for Clay Quiz. Op Art Project. Students are to create their own composition based on class demo.
Introduction to Art:Study guide handout for quiz. Cubism Activity - Group Activity.
Sculpture:Palissy relif - clay construction.
Photography:Students are to upload 10 images to H drive & review. Decisions to crop, or enhance images is up to the student.

Thursday, October 9
Beginning Drawing:Students are to continue work on their still life - shading w graphite pencils.
Portfolio Prep:Continue sketchbook fabric exercises.
Foundations of Art:Quiz - Clay
Introduction to Art:Quiz - Value
Sculpture:Palissy relif - clay construction.
Photography:Students are to upload 10 images to H drive & review. Decisions to crop, or enhance images is up to the student.

Friday, October 10 (1/2 day Act 80)
Beginning Drawing:Students are to continue work on their still life - shading w graphite pencils.
Portfolio Prep:Continue sketchbook fabric exercises.
Foundations of Art:Op Art. PowerPoint on color schemes. Handout, worksheets.
Introduction to Art:Shattered Image project.
Sculpture:Palissy relif - clay construction.
Photography:Students are to upload 10 images to H drive & review. Decisions to crop, or enhance images is up to the student