Monday, August 30, 2010

Week of August 30 - September 3, 2010

Portfolio Prep: Class introduction
Beginning Pottery: Class introduction
Beginning Photography: Class introduction
Introduction to Art: Class introduction

Portfolio Prep: Begin sketching still life composition
Beginning Pottery: Use computers to generate ideas of pinch pots
Beginning Photography: Begin note packet - The camera body
Introduction to Art: Students create a 1 by 10 value scale using 1" squares to put their values in. They should have 10, 1" squares to be doing their values in

Portfolio Prep: Continue sketching still life composition
Beginning Pottery: Use computers to generate ideas of pinch pots
Beginning Photography: Continue note packet - The camera body
Introduction to Art: Continue with shading value study

Portfolio Prep: Continue sketching still life composition
Beginning Pottery: Use computers to generate ideas of pinch pots
Beginning Photography: Hand out note packet - The camera lens
Introduction to Art: Hand out bones, shells Begin a contour line drawing

Portfolio Prep: Continue sketching still life composition, hand in sketchbooks
Beginning Pottery: Use computers to generate ideas of pinch pots, hand in sketchbooks
Beginning Photography: Continue note packet - The camera lens
Introduction to Art: Continue contour line drawing

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